
I have been a part of many projects both on and off-campus. Most of my projects are based on full-stack web development and blockchain development. Most of these projects have been inspired to bring about new changes in the organizations that I have been a part of like National Resource for Network Biology, Coding Club and Nirmaan Organization BITS Pilani Student Chapter.

Take a look at some of my finest projects that I am proud of showcasing here. The project repository and website can be found under the respective project.

1. SBML4Humans - Interactive SBML Report for Humans (June 2021 - August 2021)

SBML4Humans - Interactive SBML Report for Humans is a project that I worked upon under the Google Summer of Code 2021 programme, mentored by Dr. Matthias Konig and Dr. Ralf Steuer from the National Resource for Network Biology (NRNB) organization. SBML4Humans is a web application that can be used for generating interactive and customizable reports for biological models written in the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML).

This web-app provides functionality for generating easy-to-read reports for SBML models with features of searching and filtering components present in the biological model. The application also provides support for fast mathematical rendering using the KaTeX library and also presents a tabulated overview of the model with advanced sorting and searching features. More information about the project can be found at the project page and project proposal.

Project Link : SBML4Humans WebApp
Project Repository : sbmlutils Repository

The tech-stack used in this project were:
  • Backend : Python, FastAPI Package
  • Frontend : Vue.js
  • An nginx server was used for the final deployment

Developed a full-fledged application using Vue.js with support for state management using Vuex. The project taught me a lot on how real-world end-user apps are built with support for features like filtering, searching for the exact component in the app and presenting data in an analysable and user-friendly format. One of the biggest takeaways from this project was on how to focus on enhancing user-experience, which is one of the key requirements for the success of any application.

2. Post-Vaccination COVID-19 Data Analysis: Privacy and Ethics (May 2021 - August 2021)

Completed under the mentorship of Dr. Amit Dua from BITS Pilani, this project aims at developing an improved system for managing COVID-19 vaccinations at goverment health centres. The idea behind the system is to provide an interface for complete verification of a citizen's identity prior to getting vaccinated while protecting the privacy of their personal information such as residence address, birthdates, health information, etc. The project was funded by the IEEE Standards Education Grant.

This application achieves this using a system which maps citizens' identities to a pseudo-identity, which exposes only that information about the citizen which is absolutely necessary for their identity verification. Sensitive information such as social-security numbers, date of birth, health records, etc. will be hidden from the health officials verifying the citizen's identity before vaccinating them. The system brings in a two-person authentication system involving one-time passwords and public key encryption, which requires the involvement of both the citizen and health official to verify the citizen's identity. As an additional layer, the system interacts with a blockchain to track all vaccinations in an immutable and transparent manner.

Project Repository: Github Repo
Published Paper: Standards University Site

The tech-stack used in this project were:
  • Backend : Python, FastAPI Package
  • Frontend : Vue.js
  • An nginx server was used for the final deployment

Developed a full-fledged application using Vue.js with support for state management using Vuex. The project taught me a lot on how real-world end-user apps are built with support for features like filtering, searching for the exact component in the app and presenting data in an analysable and user-friendly format. One of the biggest takeaways from this project was on how to focus on enhancing user-experience, which is one of the key requirements for the success of any application.

3. DaanCorona (April 2020 - May 2020)

DaanCorona was an initiative taken by a few students of BITS Pilani in wake of the nationwide lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic. The idea was to come up with REST API powered mobile app to connect struggling local small and medium-scale businesses to potential donors for monetary help. In return of the donations received, the shopkeepers signed an MoU to declare that they would be returning back the donated amount to the donors in the form of redeemable coupons, once the pandemic is over.
DaanCorona was finally launched in May 2020, with over 20 businesses being benifitted by the initiative. Redeemable coupons were delivered to the donors in the form of token authorized digital coupons. The project was also covered by BITS Pilani's English Press Club under a special report.

Project Link : DaanCorona WebApp
Project Repository : DaanCorona Repository

The tech-stack used in this project were:
  • Backend : Django, Django REST Framework (I worked here :))
  • Frontend : React
  • A Heroku server was used for development and testing

Learnt about Django REST Framework and its applications in uniform API development for both web and mobile apps. The project also gave new insights into token authorization and OTP verification. JWT tokens had been used for the purpose of user authentication in this project.
The project also gave me some insights into business handling and customer satisfaction models. Contacting local business and potential donors was one of the key takeaways from the initiative.

4. Nirmaan Organization BITS Pilani Website (February 2020 - December 2020)

Nirmaan Organization BITS Pilani is a student chapter of the non-profit NGO Nirmaan Organization, Telangana, India. It works for the upliftment of women and children's education in the economically and socially backward areas of Pilani, Rajasthan, India. For many years, there was the absence of a global presence through a website to publicise and share Nirmaan's events and projects.
January 2021 witnessed the launching of Nirmaan BITS Pilani's official website at The website features all of the student chapter's latest projects, events and registered volunteers. There is also a portal for donations and ordering different products developed by Nirmaan's sister organization, Peahen. Automated and dynamically powered by a Django backend, it is one of the most versatile chapter websites on campus, which I am proud to have developed as a full-stack developer.

Project Link : Nirmaan BITS Pilani Official Website
Project Repository : Website Repository

The tech-stack used in this project were:
  • Backend : Django
  • Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • A Heroku server was used for development and testing, and also for the final launch of the website

Developed a fully dynamic and database supported website for an NGO, with the features of a blog, volunteer authentication and login, a portal for donations and product orders.
The project also gave me some insights into product ordering websites and how to manage the sales orders using the functionalities of database systems like SQLite.

5. Litechat - A Lightweight Instant Messenger(June 2020)

Many a times it is required to chat with people whom we might know at short notice and do not have access to their phone numbers for mobile-based chat services. Keeping this thought in mind, I decided to develop a chatting application to let users connect with each other using just their email addresses as the point of contact. Litechat lets you to register with your email or Google Account within a minute. To chat with a person, enter their email address and you're good to go.
Developed with Node.js and on the backend, the project gives a good example of a lightweight and robust desktop chatting application.

Project Link : LiteChat WebApp
Project Repository : LiteChat Repository

The tech-stack used in this project were:
  • Backend : Node.js, MongoDB (database),, GoogleOAuth
  • Frontend : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • A Heroku server was used for development and testing

Taught myself Node.js and to understand how asynchrous communications take-place over modern day chatting applications. The project helped me to learn how to handle multiple socket requests and redirect them to the correct and intended channels. It was a holistic learning experience in user and data management, socket programming and web developement.